Caring support on your journey of transformation
Welcome to LIMINIL COACHING, a name inspired by the concept "Liminal space" which encapsulates the idea of the threshold or the space in between. It is a space where we have left the familiar comfort zone and are open to finding new possibilities, new ways of being in this world. It is a delicate balance of letting go and a realisation of what already exists within and around us. Some people are thrown into this space because of a life crisis, others choose to venture inside by choice of finding something deeper. This process involves grieving what was left behind and opening up to what might lie ahead. We believe that it is within this often unknown, uncomfortable space that true transformation unfolds.
We have found that we needed support on this liminal journey, so please allow us to support you on your journey. We look forward to sharing our treasures with you as you enter this realm where possibilities are redefined and horizons are expanded.
Intentional breathing exercises, has a direct and profound impact on physiology and emotional wellbeing. It offers a powerful tool to alleviate stress, enhance sleep, and promote overall health and wellbeing. We advise this as a first step to start connecting with yourself.
Quantum Energy Coaching
QEC empowers individuals by liberating them from past trauma, alleviating internal stress, and dismantling the impact of self-limiting beliefs. Neuroscience has enabled us to work with the subconscious mind.
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